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Chinese Vocabularies

ài chēng
diminutive; term of endearment; pet name; hypocorism
ai cai ru ming
1.very stingy
ài bù shì shǒu
Reluctant to put down.
ài wō wō
Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)
ài róng
The leaves dried mashed velvet, Chinese medicine used to cure.See 'moxibustion'.
ài hǔ
[医]Mustela eversmanni Lesson
ǎi rán
amiable; affable; friendly; gentle
ǎi ǎi
luxuriant; hazy; dim; dusky
ǎi xīng
[天] dwarf; dwarf star
āi yù
Describe hot or hot.
āi wù
Dust2 secular mucky.
āi tǔ
Soil, dust.
āi tè nà huǒ shān
The highest active volcano in Europe.In Sicily, northeastern Italy.The main jet mouth elevation of 3323 meters, 500 meters in diameter, often snow.
āi sāi é bǐ yà rén
The Horn of Africa and some ethnic groups in East Africa.Mainly distributed in Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti, part of the distribution in Egypt, Sudan and other countries.
āi mò
āi miè
Yu disappear, destroy.
āi jí yì shù
Generally refers to the Egyptian art before 332 BC.
āi jí
āi gòu
Angstrom scale
āi fēn