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Chinese Vocabularies: Phrase/Idiom

mǎ yān chē tián
Described numerous vehicles, very lively.
mǎ dào chéng gōng win success immediately upon arrival; to gain an immediate victory; to win instant success
mǎ zhuàng rén qiáng
mǎ rú yóu yú
With the "horse like a dragon."
mǎ ěr dōng fēng
Dongfeng blown Malta.Metaphor turned a deaf ear, indifferent or irrelevant.
mǎ qù mǎ guī
According to "Huainanzi.Human Tranquility "contained, the beleaguered elderly man lost horse, people think it curse, the result of its horse-drawn Hu Ren-jun horse to the same, everyone is Hezhi, and his son was disabled due to horseback fall, the townsman hanging, unexpectedly barbarians, Seding Ding Zhuang war dead 19, his son because of leg lame and full.
mǎ máo wèi zhé
mǎ shuǐ chē lóng
mǎ bù jiě ān
With "non-stop".
méi tóu méi nǎo
1.all of a sudden; abruptly; inexplicably; illogically
méi jīng dǎ cǎi
Described as sluggish, depressed.
míng yàn dà xiào
See "a significant test".
míng biàn shì fēi know right from wrong; to distinguish between truth and falsehood
míng chá qiū háo be able to examine the tiniest things
míng qiāng yì duǒ,àn jiàn nán fáng
1.It is easy to dodge an open attack but difficult to escape from a clandestine one.
míng méi zhèng lǐ
Still say that the media is married.
mù luò guī běn
Still leaves the truth.
míng yáng zè lòu
See "Ming Yang side humble."
míng hūn zhèng qǔ
Still say that the media is married.
míng zhū tán què
Analogy is worth the candle or improper use.Han Yang Yang language "Tai Xuan.Tang ":" Pearls flew in the flesh, its gains no more. Measurements said: Pearl shells flesh, fees also inappropriate.