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Chinese Vocabularies: Phrase/Idiom

mù xiǎng cháo sī
Described all the time miss.
mán tiān yuàn dì
Blame heaven and earth
míng sī kǔ suǒ
Brains, hard thinking.
miǎn huái zhī suì
miǎn kāi zūn kǒu
1.You might as well save your breath.
miǎn guī cuò jǔ
Violate the rules
mǎi xiào zhuī huān
seek pleasures; buy laughter and seek pleasure; go whoring; abandon oneself to pleasures
mǎi xiào yíng huān
See "Buy laughter".
mǎi mǎ zhāo bīng
See Buying a Mentor
mǎi dōng mǎi xī
Buy a variety of items.
měi rén chí mù
a beauty in her old age; The prime that has passed is irretrievable.; [电影]The King of Marvin Gardens
měi rén xiāng cǎo
Patriotic and loyal to the throne
mò zhǎn yī chóu
With "do nothing."
mò kě nài hé
Still helpless words.
máng wú yá jì
Vast vast and boundless.
mào dà bù wěi
risk universal condemnation; defy the universal will of the people; defy world opinion; disregard universal condemnation
míng xíng bì jiào
Language out of "book.Da Yu Mo ":" clear in five penalties, five pilgrims, period Yuzhi. "
mí tiān dà zuì
Great sin.Fans, through "Mi."
mí rén yǎn mù conceal one's identity; to fool people
mí hún yín pò
Charming soul, chaos soul.Describe things beautiful, mesmerizing.