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Chinese Vocabularies: Phrase/Idiom

rì xuē yuè juān
rén jì hǎn zhì
People anxious to
qū yào ráo yù
The radial to popliteal
quǎn jì hú zōng
Dog track
qiān hé fù huì
The attached
qiān hé fù huì
Body strain interpretation
qián bá hòu máo
Before the epilogue after Tu
qián wēi hòu zé
Forward error
qì tūn hóng yī
Take the rainbow Zhong
qī bìng bā dǎo
Seven dishes pour
qī bìng bā tòng
Seven dishes pain
qī xì bā shǒu
Seven has eight hands
pìn zhòu míng chén
A Fu Ming Chen
pī xì dǎo kuǎn
An Diao group guide
pī xì dǎo yín
Number of gap guide Diao
pī huā dǎo táo
Number of its Diao Guide
zhì fū hùn yù
Pi Kuang mixed jade
pián shǒu jiù guī
The first is Lin Pian
piāo fān zhuì hùn
Floating data into muddy
pán gēn cuò jié
Complicated and difficult to deal with